Thursday, December 3, 2009

Scripture Man

Sometimes I look at my kids and I think, "who are you and where did you come from?" For instance, how on earth could I ever have a son who is an engineer? Or a boy who loves camping? Or a son who loved singing solo's at choir concerts or a little boy who was shy but now enjoys performing in front of groups? I have no idea where he came up with the brain power for that kind of a career, or where he learned to love to camp or how he has the nerve to sing by himself in front of an auditorium filled with people or how you could prefer to slink into the background for half of your life and now you enjoy the foreground. Actually all of our boys are far better at everything than I ever was. I admire their perseverance. I love how they set their mind on something and then they do it. I am impressed with the way they interact with people. Sometimes I think about the things I wanted so desperately to teach them when they were little and I thought I had failed but then there it is right in front of me, that child who is amazing and who is a strong powerful adult. Well I recently had a moment with Tyler that definitely deserves a mention on my blog. Tyler is in the Bishopric in our ward. He is a baby and yet there he is up on the stand in the Bishopric. Anyway, he is over the Primary which is something that makes him very happy. (He is also over the scouts which makes him even happier!) The Primary president informed him that they would like him to be Scripture Man in Primary once a month. What does he do? He dresses up like this
only with a suit on underneath and then when the children start to sing, "Scripture Power" he comes in and anyone who has their scriptures gets a piece of candy! He did it for the first time this past week and he had a blast, he said he was a little nervous for a minute but I'm sure it will get easier. One of the little boys said, "that's the guy who sits by the Bishop!"
It warms my heart to think that Scripture Man is the same person who used to study the scriptures at our kitchen table very early in the mornings before school.
Good Job Scripture Man!


  1. oh my goodness, could our primary use Brother Scripture Man! I LOVE it and I love Tyler and all your amazing sons! You and Uncle D done good! SLY Rob

  2. I often think about what you said- about trying to teach them things and feeling like I am failing due to my own personal failures- mostly my lack of patience. I look at my little family which is currently driving me crazy- well, mostly my 2 year-old- and then I think of your sweet boys and the Clines and others and think hopefully what I am trying to teach them will stick despite of myself and 20 years from now I will be able to look back and say wonderful things about my children, like you have said about yours.
