Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday Swimming

Justin and Lyvi jumping, Sarah's picture turned out better than mine but if you look at the water you can tell he is jumping and Lyvi LOVED it!

Yesterday Justin, Sarah and Lyvi stopped by for a swim. I was hoping the little boys would make it as well but they had a pretty busy day. One of the things I love about our pool is how much the little kids love it...that is also one of the things that makes me the most nervous about our pool. Here are a few pictures of Lyvi swimming with her daddy yesterday.

Jumping off the waterfall! Yes, it was 98 degrees here yesterday!

Playing on the pad we had poured for the kiddie pool section. I had to talk for about five years to convince Dennis to do that, now he says he wishes it was bigger! Oh boy!

One of the most endearing things about Justin is how protective he is of Lyvi. Oh my goodness, we could write a whole book about that but here is a video that captures it perfect. It's hilarious to me (mainly because Justin told me to support Lyvi's neck until she was about 18 months old)but I love Sarah's little comments of support for Justin. She is such a sweet wife and mother. They are both lucky to have her. So here is Lyvi on the slide going into the pool. Make sure you watch Justin dive OUT of the pool to catch her so she doesn't fall. (was she going to falll?)


  1. that's cute. Yeah, I'm kind of laughing a little bit :) What a cute mom and dad.

  2. What a fun place to have the family gather!!! I love it. Lyvi is adorable.

  3. LOVE the video... SO JUSTIN!! Don't worry, he STILL tells me to support her neck when I hold her!! :)
