Friday, January 22, 2010

Sew What?

I LOVE TO SEW! "Sew What?" you might say and I would probably say "anything and everything." If it's made of fabric I love to try to sew it. I have always wanted a daughter I could share this love with. Laurie and I used to love sewing together when we were at BYU and then later when we had little munchkins but then we moved and that spoiled everything. Same thing with my sister Darlene, although we still sew together long distance, on the phone. That is all good but none of that was the same as having a daughter that you could teach to sew and enjoy sharing that with. A few weeks ago Bekah came to me and asked me what I thought of a cute shower curtain she really liked that was in a really great store here. I like, like... LOVED it but it was quite pricey and I wasn't crazy about the fabric and I thought it could be a much cuter if we did this and added that. Long story short, we were on our way to the beautiful fabric store and got some darling fabric with which to make a shower curtain.
Bekah came over last Saturday and spent a few hours sewing. She was amazing and did a fabulous job of surging and doing the rolled hem on the surger and she also cut out all of her stuff and then the most fun thing RUFFLES! She was amazing and more amazing than that was that I actually did let her do it all herself. I was just milling around organizing my sewing room while she hummed away on the sewing maching just a few feet away. She still has a few hours ahead of her but I promise pictures when it's done.
I was so excited by that experience that I asked the other girls if they wanted to learn to sew. Sarah said she wanted to make Lyvi an apron. Perfect! I knew she had made Lyvi pajama pants before Christmas so an apron would be a great progression. I asked her if she had any thoughts on what it should look like and she didn't. GOOD! So I made it have as many little "learning" things on it as I could think of. Similar to the shower curtain, she got to surge, and do the rolled hem and ruffle like CRAZY. When she was done it was so cute.
Lyvi was a big help. We planned on her napping but for once (Nikki you are gonna love this) she would not go to sleep. She cried! Yes Miss Lyvi cried when we put her down. She wanted to sew with the big girls. Well I prefer them a little older but we made do with what we had. When it was all done Lyvi did NOT want to try on that apron. Sarah is so smart though, she told her, "if you put the apron on Grandma might have a treat for you." On it went. I found some M&M's and we were all happy. Below is the amazing little apron Sarah made for Miss L.

Don't even try to take that candy away from her. What's next Sarah?

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