Thursday, September 3, 2009


There is one thing about being the wife of a Stake President that I totally LOVE...well more than one but this one thing I totally love and that is the opportunity to rub shoulders with the wife's of the Bishops in our Stake. I don't get to do it as
much as I would like to but when I do
I LOVE it.
Once a year Dennis has a meeting with all of the Bishop's wife's (one wife per Bishop, that sounded a little fishy hahaha)! We also have Sister Haws and Sister Benson the wife's of Dennis' counselors come. Dennis usually talks to us for a few minutes and expresses his love and gratitude and we have a testimony meeting. It's awesome, and very spiritual. I love to make something for them because I know that it is not easy to be the wife of a Bishop and I want them to know how much I appreciate all that they do. Being the wife of a Bishop involves a lot of sacrifice. These women are awesome. This year I decided to make them aprons. Here they are!


  1. That is so nice of you! I'm sure they are going to love them. My favorite would have to be the top row middle black and white one. SO CUTE!

  2. They are so SO cute! YOU are very talented! They will LOVE them!!

  3. I can't believe you could figure out a different one for each lady. You are truly amazing!!!! They are so darling!

  4. my mom wore hers yesterday and she looked so cute!! Everyone that came over complimented that apron and said how cute it was, and of course she said, "yeah, Bonnie did such a great job!"
