Monday, September 17, 2012

Sweet Baby Girl!

A couple of months ago Bekah
offered to
Baby Shower to celebrate the birth of  little
Miss Audrey!
Nikki, Sarah and I offered to help!
We got together and had a planning meeting.
We knew there would be lots of 
Then we talked and we emailed and pinned and crafted and sewed.
There was a lot of excitement.
Nikki had tons of amazing ideas, she is the QUEEN of CRAFTS!
Seriously, nothing intimidates her and she tries
Bekah has lots of good ideas as well, she made the most
and no one makes baby bows as cute as Sarah
all of us have
It was like most showers and parties 
of work
in the end it turned out
as sweet and cute as could be.
Here is what the dining room
looked like before any guests arrived.
 Below is the salad table. 
Bekah made Ruby
a cute lace banner
(like the one behind the table here)
for her birthday
so I copied
this one.
Then Bekah found the most adorable tablecloths ever on someones Blog.
They had lots and lots
cute ruffles
and made the table look so sweet.
We had to have them.
Aren't they perfect?
Don't you think
should always come in glass jars
adorable labels
on them?
Me too!
What is a little harder to see is that in the wood box
to the right
of the
Fruit Salad
are three different Spreads for the rolls
cinnamon butter, strawberry butter, and strawberry jam.
 This is the Cupcake table.
It also has a cute ruffl-ee tablecloth
and lots and lots of
YUM! delicious!
We may have made a few too many
we are enjoying the left overs.
 Besides five different kinds of cupcakes;
caramel pretzel,
carrot cake,
caramel apple
there were also chocolate dipped pretzels, candied pecans, pink and white moose munch, and cream cheese mints!
As well as assorted little candies!
We had to fill those jars.
 We had little labels for the cupcakes to show what they  were!
Those girls think of
and know how to
make it so
 This is my China Cabinet
all cute and painted
Wasn't it lucky that I just
Oh but they were
We stalked the shelves with
our drinks
water and strawberry lemonade
pink and white
The bottom drawers
were filled with our
Brown sugar scrub!
Great for dry skin.
 In the kitchen we had a little
bow making station
set up
where Lauren's friends and family
could come and
make a
bow for Audrey!
Oh my
she got such cute bows.
Lots of different kinds
and colors.
Sarah got the supplies
for it
and made
that cute little
peach bow to get things
It was such fun
the women
loved sitting down
at the table and visiting and creating.
What a fun day
that was.
Now you might be wondering where the pictures are
of the shower in progress
or the finished bows or
even of
That would be a good thing to wonder
but about the time
the shower started
thoughts of
picture taking
were replaced by
eating and
watching Lauren
open her gifts and
replenishing food
and cleaning up
and...well I'm sure
you get the picture...well actually you won't get that particular picture except in your mind. 
The camera was laid down
and we enjoyed
very much.
And we all went to bed early that night.
Thanks again for mopping my floor Sarah, and for having this great idea Bekah and for all of your amazing creatitons you are willing to share Nikki and for having Audrey, Lauren!
Daughter-in-laws are the sweetest of God's Gifts to me.

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's Never Easy!

It doesn't hurt,
there is no physical pain involved (I take that back, well usually no pain),
 but for some reason getting a family picture of this group
 always comes accompanied by lots of moaning and eye rolling.
 Just figuring out
 where we are going to put eveyone is a lot of work and
a tremendous amount of discussion,
loud discussion. (Danielson's talk LOUD.)
 I thought I was ready,
helped with the seating.
worked on the  lighting arrangements.
I just had to sit there...I'm good at that.
even the best laid plans are
futile complicated.
 June was hoping to hold
 The movement makes us look a little
Back To The Future-ish!
 Remember when I said there was no physical pain?
Lyvi and June bumped heads.
Family pictures
more painful than I thought.
We normally don't pick on expectant mothers but Lauren
was in charge of hitting the timer on the camera
 and then getting back to her chair before the camera flashed!
 I like this picture, except Nathan and Ruby
are not looking forward. AND...
facing forward in our Family picture.
They make the cuteness meter
Finally, this is probably the one we will go with. 
Not a lot of smiles on the pink couch
we are all looking forward!
Jacob and Luke were so patient
during this whole process.
They definately win
for sitting nicely and
waiting and smiling at all the
right times.
I wish there was
a sound-o-meter (audio feed)
connected to this picture because
you would have heard
sucking so hard on that finger!
Ohhh, she did love her finger last night.
she was sucking on everything she could find
including the knobs on
my ottoman!
Getting teeth is hard work.
August 2102 our Family is: A Grandpa and Grandma
Four Awesome Sons
Four Beautiful, Talented and Amazing daughters (in-law)
and 6 Adorable, brilliant, athletic grandchildren
with three more on the way
thanks to Lauren and Sarah
and one more on the way
possibly starting this week
when Tyler and Bekah's adoption profile
hits LDS Family Services
watch for it here
and click on their blog button
on the right hand corner of this page.

After it was all over and every one had gone home and
my house was hauntingly quiet (Dennis was
out setting apart a couple that are going on a mission
to Argentina.) I checked my camera
to see how the pictures turned out
and this is what
I found on
I guess Justin really does like to have his picture taken.
I love my family!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Anniversary's to another 35 years!

I'm pretty sure that for most people who look at us that it would come as no big surprise that we are celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary this year. But to me, I'm in a little bit of shock and I kind of go back and forth between feeling like we have been married FOREVER and feeling like we just got married a couple of years ago. I guess when I think about it I really have a hard time remembering what it felt like not being married, and I can honestly say that getting married was the BEST thing I ever did, it simply shocks me that I have been married that long because we still seem like we should be a couple of kids.
 Oh we did have a wonderful time in Seattle. Here are just a few of the things we did. This is us standing in front of Snoqualme Falls...they are even higher than Niagra, but not nearly as wide. I've seen them both though and they are both beautiful.
 This is the Seattle LDS Temple. We enjoyed a pleasant walk around the Temple grounds last Sunday when I took this picture. The grounds are nothing short of spectacular and we really enjoyed all of the succulent plants and grasses and trees. The grounds of our Mesa Temple are super beautiful as well, just different.
 This is the entrance to Pikes Market.  It is a hustling bustling place and we had a good time there looking at all the fish and the produce as well as arts and crafts.
Seattle's famous Gum Wall. Disgusting but kind of like a train wreck, you don't want to look at it but it's hard to turn away. 
This is us at the port on Bainbridge Island. Super duper fun and again, BEAUTIFUL. 
It's interesting. I'm a desert rat, for sure. I loved Washington and it's beautiful trees but honestly, I couldn't live there. Hope I don't ever have too. We were there during the "sunny" time of year and while most days were sunny-ish the rainy or overcast ones are too much for me.  I like rain on Sunday's that's it.  That said, I sure did enjoy being close to a lake. Our hotel room was just a short walk to a lake and we enjoyed that so MUCH.  I guess when I'm missing the beautiful Sammommish lake I will just look outside and stare at my swimming pool and be grateful there is some water there. It isn't the same though...really hard to ride your bike around our pool.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Pink Room...

I guess you could assume that after having four boys
 I would NEVER have a room in my house
that looked like this:
And if it weren't for a good friend of mine who needed
a place to store her cute Pottery Barn Kitchen and her
Antique table and chairs I never would have...cause I'm
just that CHEAP.
But now that I have a pink room I never want to
live without one again.
Even little boys like pink rooms.
They like to play with paper dolls...of course
I have paper dolls that are boys and that have super hero clothes and fireman and policeman outfits!
That makes a difference.
And they love to make pizza's
and hamburgers
 and boil water for I mean lemonade.
The boys will even baby sit a doll once in a while,
this room is just that FUN.
Back to the girls...they love this room, and I'm included!
We like to dress dolls and put them to bed, and play with Polly Pockets
(which by the way, are even more annoying that lego's)
 and make all kinds of food and put on aprons
and wash dishes and
boss the little
And one of us...really likes to pull hair and sweet little
Samantha (American Girl Doll) 
is so patient  that she will let
pull her hair to her hearts content.
Yup having
Pink Room with all the trimmings
is totally new to us but
I'll tell you what!?
It's not going to be changing colors any time
soon.  Nope, Chase and Lauren
just announced Miss Audrey
will be here in November
and she is going to
love the
Pink Room
as much

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Angel Moroni

Today, I was privileged to witness the bronze statue of the Angel Moroni ascend to the top of the Gilbert Temple. I am pretty sure that I will never see anything like this again in my life. It was quite amazing. Hats off to all who made it happen. Here is how it started. The Angel Moroni statue is that piece of gold you can see on top of the silver car in the center of the picture? It was very windy and there was some talk that the construction crew were a little worried about the wind but in the end things happened perfectly.
Finally got him  Upright!

Moving around to the west side of the Temple.

Somehow word quickly got out and there were a LOT of Mormons there to witness this joyful happening.
Going UP!

And UP!
And UP!!!
They actually took him quite a ways above the top spire before coming back down and resting right smack on top of  it. I'm pretty sure it's because they had to get that long post that is under his feet to go right into a hole on top of the spire to secure the statue.  Now I know I am not an engineer, although I have a son who is one, and that was a super over simplification of what they did but I'm telling you the whole thing was genius and they made it look quite simple.
Here they are just securing him to the spire before the final resting spot...ok that sounded horrible but you know what I mean.  The Angel Moroni will face EAST and now that he is finally there it feels like it is really going to happen, this new Temple of ours.  What a great blessing it will be.  Us Mormons LOVE our Temples.  Super excited!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ahhhh, I love COLOR!

I love color, I love how it has the power to change my moods and to create atmosphere. I love that with a simple can of paint you can create something wonderful and fresh and new because you changed the color! I feel so blessed to live right down the street from Home Depot where in a matter of minutes they can change my living room dramatically from dark and classic...

To bright and happy and Cottage -e!
Did I mention that I love color?
I do.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Secret Life of "B's"

Last Friday some good friends took me to Eggingtons for breakfast. Yes, I know, it was my birthday on the 10th not the 24th but please I'm celebrating my birth-MONTH and when you were born in February you get short-changed a little. I realize it's leap year but still, we can't seem to hit the 30th in this month. I we were at Eggingtons and we had all eaten and were chatting and I remembered something important that happened a week before. I had stopped in at M's house and she greeted me with a feathery something in her hand. (That girl is always cleaning and I was pretty sure I had stumbled upon one of her secrets.)

"What's that?" I asked.
"A Swiffer Duster."
"Does it work good?"
"It works really good"

Then she went on to tell me that she had gone through two of the Costco size boxes when she cleaned her house after having their roof redone and then the whole inside painted and fixed up. She said that the little swiffer feathery thing picks up the dust and doesn't just move it around.

Hmmm, I'm always looking for things that make cleaning easier. So I bought a box next time I went to Costco. They come with the little "wand" in them and I am here to tell you it really does work. I used it to clean the blinds and shutters in my house. It took half the time and did a much MUCH better job. This got me to thinking....what other secrets do my friends know that I don't? So back to the breakfast, I thought why don't I share the swiffer experience and see if they have any secrets they want to share.

Oh my, I was not disappointed, and I thought to myself, "instead of me just hoarding all of these great secrets why not share!"

So here they are in the order they were given to me:

1. Dead Sea Cuticle oil…put it on your cuticles’ and it makes them soft and pretty (like R’s)

2. Spray on hair shampoo buy it from Ulta OR at Wal-Mart by Tressamae or Suave (It seems like there might be a bid discrepancy between Ulta and Wal-Mart but all who were telling about this gave very convincing testimonials...I believe them.)

3. Sharpie Pens are the the Bomb (I have purchased five in the last week...they are GREAT! they write really smooth and you can get them in the usual colors. There are two different styles the click-ee pen or the pen with the cap)

4. Use Thermal spray, or Moroccan oil or coconut oil for your hair and it will help
straighten it and make it feel really soft and smooth…I found Thermal Spray and went to buy one of the oils and couldn't find them at Ulta. I have a feeling it is in certain products but I'm not sure which ones. Feel free to help out with this one.

5. Leave in Miracle for Hair. Got some (yup F dropped it by, such good friends) it really does work amazing. I used it today and tonight Dennis asked me if I had gotten my haircut today. Usually my hair only looks good when the girl who cuts it styles it. So it must look pretty dog-gone good.

6. Use Windex window cleaning pads for cleaning outside windows for touch-ups after
doing #7.

7. Use Jeff Millard to clean my windows. He is starting his own window cleaning business.

8. Buy Retin-A from an overseas pharmacy (I have no idea how to do that but it sounds
exciting and exotic and I’m going to try googling it, hope I don’t get arrested for illegal transport of a strange substance) this will help get rid of my deep wrinkles...maybe. It may take a needle and thread to do that!

9. Cetaphil clear cleanser works great to get make up off and it’s nice to your skin.

10. DON’T USE ANYTHING WITH PARRABIN IN IT. Can’t remember why but it’s bad.

11. Use an eyelash primer and maybe a fiber builder although the builder might make it
feel like you have sand in your eyes.

12. If you want to not wear sunscreen you can wear a shirt called Rash Guard, but when
you are old(er) you have to wear a swimsuit under it…

13. I didn't share this that morning but a friend shared with me that she rinses with Hydrogen
Peroxide to whiten her teeth. One mouthful for 10 minutes daily (while she showers) keeps her teeth that brilliant white. I’ve researched it a little and I think it’s safe, plus the bottle says for mouth rinsing.

So, I have spent the last few days collecting some of these interesting things! It has been really fun. I can hardly wait to go out with those women again and learn even more secrets. Next time I'm taking my Ipad so I can type a little faster.