Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Name Tags and Swedish Pancakes

Yesterday Morning we got up VERY early (like 4:30) and started to make Swedish pancakes. You might ask yourself, who in the world would you want to get up that early to make breakfast for? Well, not just anybody, of course, a few folks come to mind, but the answer yesterday was these eight missionaries who are currently serving in our Stake. They were awesome, polite and totally engaging. Not to mention that they really like Swedes, (as all true Danielson's call them) and hashbrowns and fruit but only sort of like sausage. Maybe they were watching their fat content, I don't know but either way it was fun. Even after that huge breakfast they still all fit onto our sofa so I took their picture. We try to have the missionaries in out stake over for breakfast once a quarter. It only took 18 eggs to 6 x my Swedish pancake recipe!
Can't wait for next quarter!


  1. That is the funnest way I have ever heard of for spending your 33rd Anniversary. Oh, how I love missionies. What lucky ones serving in your stake! Happy Belated Anniversary Bon & Den! SLY Rob

  2. Bonnie, what a neat thing to do. Love the picture and we love being around your special boy Justin, he is the life of the party.

  3. What a darling group of missionaries, and how lucky to get to come to your house for breakfast!

  4. What a cool idea :) Of course, you're AwEsOmE!! I bet they love coming to your house for breakfast!
